Project office regional level goals for 2023-2025

communities have digital leaders and have opened their own digital development project offices
of state agencies automated systems and communities have certificates of compliance with CIPS
regional digital leaders were trained at the UEM and received the project managers competencies in a public administration
place out of 25 is taken by Kirovohrad region according to the «Digital Transformation Index of Ukraine regions» indicator


  • Institutional capacity

    Consultancy in regard of local informatizational programs development and projects preparations

    Projects development of strategic, programmatic, organizational and administrative documents in the digitization field

    Organization and conducting of training events for local and regional digital leaders (civil servants, local self-government workers, activists)

  • Project management

    Technical tasks development to ensure digital transformation of public administration and economic activity

    Ideas transformation into a full-fledged digital projects, support and advocacy of local and regional digital initiatives

    Finding and attracting an extra-budgetary sources of funding for the digital projects and events implementation

  • Digital education

    Implementation of educational activities and digital projects for IDPs and local residents to acquire new professions that allow working remotely

    Popularization of the state platform capabilities « Diia. Education» for the regional population

    Increasing the citizens digital literacy by involving them into the «Cyphograms 2.0» testing

  • Coworking

    Assistance in presenting of local digital projects at the regional and national digital transformation events;

    Conducting a target market segments research, brand creation strategies developing, supporting startups and moving out to IPO

    Mentoring, involvement of «angelic» investments, equity participation in startups, franchising

  • Cyber ​​security

    Facilitating compliance with the ukrainian law requirements «About the Main Principles of Ensuring Ukraine Cyber ​​Security» at the regional and local levels

    Cyber hygiene issues prioritization and actualization for civil servants and employees of local self-government bodies

    Preparation for the copyright certificates registration, patent applications and NDA agreements to protect the startups rights

  • Infrastructure

    Creation of the regional crowdfunding platform «Kroproject4all» with the community rating mechanism

    Support of digital leadership in rural, township and urban communities

    Implementation of a single application that unites all local municipal services and provide the main digital communication tool between local authorities and citizens


On an ongoing basis, we provides services in the area of digital transformation methodological support, consulting on cyber hygiene and cyber protection issues, implementation of educational events for local digital leaders in project management, conducting information and popularization campaigns on public administration digitalization. For regional and local partners from the private and public sectors, we offer:
Training of digital leaders according to the "Project Management" and "Public administration" study programs in the cooperation with University of Education Management
Assistance in development and support of local informatization programs, digital development concepts and strategies for institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership
Digital startups expertise on the basis of equity participation, further development and implementation of software products, applications and IT systems testing
Consulting in the field of cyber security, cyber protection, technical information protection (TPI), complex information protection systems (CIPS) construction
Information provision, advocacy campaigns and further support of industry digital projects at the local level
Creation of UI/UX design and proposals provision for an existing solutions in the field of UI/UX design in order to improve them to modern requirements


Annual regional forums for the plans and results of digital transformation presentation «Central Ukrainian Digital Event» in 2023, 2024 and 2025

Local promotion of the activities regarding the possibilities of using digital technologies in professional activities and everyday life (seminars, trainings, online sessions, etc.)

A social advertising campaign using free publicly available digital tools from leading IT brands

some project

A joint educational project with the Public Administration and Project Management Department of the UEM National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine for regional and local digital leaders

A joint educational project with Technopark «Flight City 4.0» regarding the UAV operators for civil needs training (Environmental Inspection, Rescue Service of the State Emergency Service and others)

A joint regional project «Central Ukrainian Cyber Security Center»

some project

Implementation of individual tasks and activities of the Kirovohrad region digital transformation plan in 2023, 2024 and 2025 «ROCKET PLAN»

Conducting fundamental research and developing practical recommendations for local authorities regarding digitalization of communities in modern conditions

Creation and implementation of CIPS for state and communal property automated systems

some project

Opening of the modern innovation space «Central Ukrainian Digital Office» in the regional center

Opening of local project offices of digital development in Kirovohrad region communities

Establishing partnerships with project offices of digital transformation, digital development and digitalization in other regions

some project

The application that combines all local municipal services

Regional crowdfunding platform «Kroproject4all»

Digitalization project of the regional call center «Digital contact center»

City project «Digitization of condominiums»

Scientific virtual coworking lab of AI «Central Ukrainian academic hub»

Digital state

Ministry of Digital Transformation

All news of digitization in Ukraine

Diia portal

Portal with online public services

Diia apps

Digital documents, government services and Diia.Signature — everything in a smartphone

Diia.Digital education

Free educational series and national digital literacy test

Diia.Digital community

Marketplace of digital products and solutions for communities


Online portal with free services and opportunities for business development


Olexandr Kozhukhar


COO Head of the sector of scientific and methodological support of the SI E-Ecology

Yurii Zaycev


CTO Team leader at IntraNote, exTeam leader at Ciklum, Microsoft Certified® Developer

Ivan Kondratiev


CNO Head of the working group on technological support

Oleh Braginsky


Technical information security specialist Member of the working group on technological support

Vitalii Stepovenko


Technical information security specialist Member of the working group on technological support